Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Getting Started

First off, I am not a computer techie. I struggle with computers because they have become a way of life, not a pleasant alternative. So, please bear with me while I learn the ins-and-outs of working my blog.

Secondly, I am not a mechanic. I can follow a technical discussion, but you will not hear me contribute to it. I have mastered the task of changing the oil in my bike, but not much more.

This is a blog about people; people in the motorcycling community. I happen to be a non-denominational motorcyclist. No particular brand or lifestyle attracts me more than any other. That makes everyone in the motorcycle community game. I like talking to those active in the community, and even some not so currently active.

This blog will address those individuals. I will be doing Little Interviews with Big People. I will be posting the interviews and profiles of a multitude of personalities: the world’s land speed record holder for motorcycles, and review his book; the product manager for a motorcycle manufacturing company, who explains what it takes to put a motorcycle on the road, from concept to dealership; the outlaw turned preacher; a man that went AWOL from the British Army to be in Brighton for the 1963 Bank Holiday confrontation between the Mods and Rockers; the man that started a charity run that turned into a medical foundation because of his promise to a little girl; and, another that set a record at Bonneville at 73 years young, with one eye and nine fingers.

I will review books and talk to their authors. A book becomes more personal when the reader has had the opportunity to talk to the author.

On occasion I may throw in a product review, or make comments regarding something seen, or said.

Mostly, I want to have fun and share some of the interesting folks I have had the opportunity to talk with. And, those I am going to talk with.

I welcome comments, feedback and suggestions. I may not be able to respond to everyone, but your contribution will be read and noted. I thank you in advance.

I suppose I should mention the rules. I will not tolerate racist or bigoted speech, sexually explicit content, discussions or descriptions of violent or criminal acts, unlicensed copyrighted material, or threats, harassment, or personal privacy violations.

Now, let me go and figure out what I need to do next.


Anonymous said...

Love the paper look, and color, of your background.

willie mac said...

Thank you.